God’s Box

Stop saying “Don’t put God in a box” when people question:

  1. The speaking of incoherent, disconnected syllables that have no syntax or grammatical structure
  2. Being “slain in the Spirit”
  3. Being “drunk in the Spirit”
  4. Uncontrollable laughter
  5. “Words from the Lord”
  6. Direct revelation
  7. Convulsions on the floor
  8. “Glory clouds”
  9. Grave sucking
  10. Trips to heaven
  11. Visitations from angels
  12. Trump prophecies…or any modern-day prophecy for that matter
  13. Delivering demons from Christians
  14. “Seed offerings”
  15. Decrees and declarations
  16. Visions of Jesus
  17. Leg lengthenings
  18. Kenneth Copeland’s sanity
  19. The latest “revival”
  20. Bethel’s music and false teachings

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

God’s Word is complete and sufficient. God has not instructed us to look for extra-biblical revelation. Clamoring for “more” than what God has given us in His written Word is a recipe for apostasy.
